Music: A Universal Language to Heart and Soul
A Resource, A Healing Tool
Music As A Container, A Carrier, A Catalyst,A Connector,
A Creator To Growth and Change
Personal Use of Music:
I use music for stress management, anxiety reduction and as a tool for everyday coping. This can involve:
music during sessions.
building resilient coping skills and managing the ordinary and not-so-ordinary life stressors through specific songs.
addressing self-awareness, confidence, body image and issues through specific songs as homework.
creating a personalized individual plan of music cuts chosen by you and I.
Explore and Heal with GIM:
I facilitate a transformative, experiential therapy through the use of music and imagery called Bonny Method Guided Imagery and Music (GIM). GIM is a holistic approach to the healing power of music, offering a combination of conscious mindfulness and a deeper connection to soul and spirit. It provides an opportunity to tap into your internal experience, seek inherent wisdom and to reconnect to the core of who you are and what matters most. Through evoking your own imagery, you may find yourself becoming more spontaneous, and open to your own evolving process and experiences. You may begin to show up for life more fully present and connect more deeply to your core values or your faith.
What A GIM Session Looks Like:
The client chooses an intention, issue, feeling they want to sit with.
I choose classic and other music programs to specifically support that.
The client focuses on the music as a container to help them explore, gain insight and bring forth what is within them.
The client shares as the music is played. The therapist gently guides and makes notes to support the journey.
After the music ends, the client and therapist may process and connect the dots or they may choose to respond with non-verbal processes, such as embodied movement or expressive therapies.
To learn more about GIM, click here:
Click here to connect to GIM Facebook:
Supervision for Trainees
As a trained GIM facilitator and Fellow, I offer supervision for those in training to become a GIM Fellow. This includes supervising sessions for clients and supervision for the personal sessions required during the GIM training. I am available to do intensive weekends for multiple sessions and via zoom.
Connecting with Joy Through Music
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If at all possible, I respond within 2 business days
A Connecting Thread, Inc.
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